

An oil-emulsion of inactivated Avibacterium paragallinarum containing at least 1 x 108 colony forming units per dose of both serotypes A and C.

AVIVAC® CORYZA is indicated for preventive immunisation of healthy fowls against infectious Coryza. The immunity induced should reach a maximum 3 weeks after the administration of the vaccine and should last for 30-40 weeks from vaccination, giving effective protection for the productive life of the fowls. Serotypes included: A, C3 – both locally isolated strains.

Advantages of using AVIVAC® CORYZA

• Local strains increases efficacy

• Oil adjuvated vaccine ensures high immune response and long duration of immunity.

• Minimizes egg production losses in the event of an outbreak.

• Ease of application through intramuscular route.

• Antigen component selected to have the most immunogenic effect

• World-class technical and laboratory support for the product.

Recommended dosage

For breeders and replacement pullets between 6-10 weeks of age: A dose of 0,5 mℓ injected intramuscularly into the breast muscle. A booster vaccination administered at least 4 weeks after the first one but not within 4 weeks of onset of lay.

Alternative dosage

For breeders and replacement pullets between 13-16 weeks of age: One dose of 1,0 mℓ injected intramuscularly.


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