Nobilis® MA5 + Clone 30
A live attenuated, freeze-dried vaccine, indicated for the immunisation of fowls against the Massachusetts type of serologically related types of Infectious Bronchitis and against Newcastle Disease.

Nobilis® Ma5 + Clone 30 is a live attenuated freeze-dried vaccine used for the immunisation of healthy chickens against the Massachusetts type of serologically related types of Infectious Bronchitis and against Newcastle Disease.
Each dose of vaccine contains at least 103,5 EID50 Infectious Bronchitis virus strain Ma5 (serotype Massachusetts) and 106 EID50 of the Newcastle Disease strain Clone 30. As gentamycin is used during the production process, traces may be present in the final product.
- Store in the dark between 2 °C and 8 °C.
- Do not freeze.
- Avoid prolonged or repetitive exposure to high ambient temperatures.
- Protect from exposure to direct sunlight.
- Withdrawal period: Do not vaccinate within 21 days of slaughter.
- The duration and intensity of vaccine reaction (sneezing) and the establishment of solid immunity is generally dependent on the health and condition of the chickens.
- Adequate immunity against Newcastle Disease (ND) and the Massachusetts type of Infectious Bronchitis (IB) will last for approximately 6 weeks provided that the vaccine is properly administered.
- In areas where ND is endemic, a second vaccination with Nobilis® ND Clone 30 should be given at approximately 4 weeks.
- Ensure adequate hygiene and management in the post-vaccination period.
- Emergency vaccination during the laying period may be accompanied by a transient drop in egg production.
- Each vial should be used immediately after opening.
- Dispose of any unused vaccine as well as all empty vaccine containers and vaccination equipment according to local waste disposal regulations.
- Although this vaccine has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.
- Vaccinate healthy chickens only.
- Wash and disinfect hands and equipment after vaccination.
- Observe aseptic precautions.
- Ensure that the vaccination equipment (spray apparatus, droppers) is clean prior to use.
- The spray apparatus should be free from sediments, corrosion and traces of disinfectants and/or spirits. It should preferably be used for vaccination purposes only.
- Avoid contamination with traces of disinfectant or spirits.
- It is good vaccination practice when handling the vaccine to avoid contact with the eyes, hands and clothing.
Spray Method
- The vaccine should be dissolved in distilled water.
- The vial of freeze-dried vaccine should be opened under water.
- The spray apparatus should be free from sediments, corrosion and traces of disinfectants (preferably to be used for vaccination purposes only).
- The vaccine medicated water should be spread evenly over the correct number of chickens, at a distance of 30 to 40 cm, preferably when the chickens are sitting together in dim light.
- For 1-day-old chickens use 0,25 ℓ of water/1 000 birds and set nozzle to produce a course spray, falling like rain.
- For older chickens, dissolve 1 000 doses/ℓ of water and set the nozzle to produce course spray. (Aerosol generators should be used only when this is known to be safe to chickens).
Eye Drop Application
- Dissolve the vaccine in Intervet Diluent Oculo/Nasal and administer by means of a standardised dropper (usually 30 mℓ/1 000 doses).
- One drop should be applied from a height of a few centimeters onto 1 eye. As an eye drop application, the drop should be allowed to spread evenly across the surface of the eye.
- Do not release the chicken until a swallowing motion is noticed.
- For numbers of birds between standard dosages, the next high dosage should be chosen.
Note: Administration by coarse spray or eye drop route gives the best response. These should be the methods of choice, especially when vaccinating young chickens.
Vaccination Programme
The optimum time and method of administration depends largely upon local situation. The advice of a veterinary surgeon should be sought. The vaccine is safe to use from 1 day of age onwards.
Type of Chicken | Age | Vaccine | Administration |
Broilers | 1 day of age | Ma5 + Clone 30 | Course spray or eye drop application. |
Approx. 4 weeks (if ND endemic) | Clone 30 | Spray or eye drop application. | |
Layers / Breeders | 1 day of age | Ma5 + Clone 30 | Course spray or eye drop application |
Approx. 4 weeks (if ND Endemic) | Clone 30 | Spray or eye drop application | |
Approx. 8 weeks | Ma5 + Clone 30 | Spray or eye drop application |
Immunity and Vaccination Reaction
The duration and intensity of the vaccination reaction (sneezing) and the establishment of a solid immunity are generally dependent on the health and condition of the chickens. Hygiene and management are also important in the post-vaccination period.
An adequate immunity against ND and the Massachusetts type of IB will last for approximately 6 weeks, provided that the vaccine is administered correctly. In areas where ND is endemic, a second vaccination with Clone 30 should be given at an age of approximately 4 weeks. Emergency vaccination during the laying period may be accompanied by a transient drop in egg production.
Type II glass vials containing 1 000 doses, or 2 500 doses packed in cardboard boxes.
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